Monster Mash Online Trunk Show
Many Happy Wishes
It's Our Birthday!
This month, Just Another Button Company celebrates 28 years of button fun. Not really a milestone, but every birthday/anniversary is an occasion to celebrate the past, present and future with candles on a cake. And naturally our cake must be a felt-y concoction decorated with buttons and pins. So we made it--a slice of layer cake dressed for a party--and the pattern is ready to share!
Hop into Spring
Spring Exploded on the Studio Design Table
The button studio worktable was piled with luscious felted-wool eggs, buttons and pins, but the projects just didn't come together until I happened on this ceramic egg tray at a local craft supplier. First I popped in the eggs, then had fun adding other design elements.
Tips for Sewing Wool and Felt
Sharing Some Love
As a treat for our stitching friends, we've assembled favorite tips for working with felt and felted wool--all in one place! To keep with the LOVE-theme, tip illustrations are from some of our favorite Valentine's Day projects. And the best can print or save the entire tip list for free!